Northern Brewer Starter Kit Unboxing

It’s here! It’s here! It’s here! The Northern Brewer Deluxe Starter Kit is finally here! Just a heads up to anyone considering buying this, shipping takes FOREVER! They’re forthright about how long it may or may not take, and who knows it may have just seemed longer because I was so excited to get it, but absence makes the heart grow fonder right?

Anyway, I decided to take some pictures during the unboxing and share them for anyone curious as to what exactly is in the box. I took them with a DSLR camera so hopefully they’re decent enough to see whats in each picture. If not I added a little caption to each photograph explaining what it is. You can click “Full Sized Image” in the bottom right corner of the slideshow to get a better look (you may have to scroll down a bit to see it). So, in just a few short days, the long awaited brew day will commence! Beers and laughs will be had by all and hopefully a great brew will come from it.

My next post in the homebrewing section will be a detailed post of what happened during the brew days, trials and tribulations, successes and words of wisdom from having done the process once. Hopefully all goes smoothly and a quality, drinkable IPA comes out the other end.

Until then, brew on.